June 19, 2009

I HAD To Order New Moon

Brooke really needed some new books. Im tired of reading the same ones over and over and she is tired of eating the same ones over an over. So I decided to order a few of the hardcover Dr Seuss books from Barnes & Noble. The problem is, you need to spend $25 to get free shipping and my total wasnt $25. I had no choice but to put New Moon into my shopping cart or I would have paid for shipping. This way, New Moon was practically free.

Ok, so I ordered New Moon and threw in some baby books to get the free shipping. Does it really matter? This way, both Brooke and I win :)


Kristin said...

Hahaha, you're in the club now! I have Stephanie Myers' "adult novel", The Host, in my Amazon shopping cart, but haven't bought it yet because I don't have $25 worth of stuff in it. And I'm not supposed to be buying books because of the excessive library in my house! (However, I know that if I tried I could easily find another book to make up the $10 I need to get free shipping. Like one of Oprah's list of 25 books you can't put down. But not Pride and Prejudice and Zombies...I have to draw the line somewhere. Vampires? Yes. Zombies...I don't think so. Even if Oprah is reading it.) (But who knows? You may soon be reading my review of Pride and Prejudice and Zombies. :)

Jess said...

I think it's a win-win!

Sarah said...

I ALWAYS throw in stuff for me to get free shipping...I feel less guilty that way. :)

Linden said...

Sounds perfectly logical to me! Enjoy! Although that is my least favorite of the series... Without spoiling anything: I don't like Jacob and his role in this book is just too big for me. Ooh, I have the audiobooks if you want me to send them to you!

Aron said...

yayyyyy :)