August 14, 2007

Some Fundraising Statistics

I just received this from one of our Team In Training representatives, and thought it was pretty interesting. Sometimes you want to know where your money goes when you donate to a charity :) Below is what kind of impact various dollar amounts have through the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society.
$1,000 Assists in the organization of (47) Illinois support groups and education programs for patients, and contributes to Society sponsored blood cancer research.
$500 Provides a leukemia, lymphoma or myeloma patient with financial aid to support medical treatment and to travel to medical appointments for one year.
$500 Allows (10) patients to logon to a webcast and hear the latest information in treatment for their disease.
$250 Provides a Family Support Group for one year.
$150 Will train (6) survivors to make First Connections with a newly diagnosed patient.
$100 Helps supply laboratory researchers with supplies and materials critical to carrying out their search for cures.
$75 Average cost of tissue typing to become a bone marrow donor.
$50 The cost of a co-payment for a CT scan.
$40 Will educate (4) school employees on how to ease the transition back to school for a child with cancer.
$35 Will purchase (12) Charlie Brown DVD’s to explain cancer to pediatric patients.
$25 Covers a single prescription co-payment.
$5 The cost of sending a newly diagnosed patient a packet which includes information about their specific disease and support.

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