June 3, 2008

The Joys of Pregnancy

I try not to whine and complain too much on here about my current situation ... but sometimes I am just overflowing and need to vent a bit. I have not had a "bad" pregnancy, but I am not really enjoying it either. There are women out there who just seem to radiate during pregnancy and can't stop talking about how wonderful it is. This seems to happen most often AFTER they deliver and the actual pregnancy part is over, but yet the phenomenon does exist. I think there are two reasons for this. 1) They are crazy and 2) some sort of memory-distortion or selective-retention. I am over 1/2 way into this process and have yet to experience the wonderful side of pregnancy. Again, I want to restate that things have not been horrible. I have not had any of of my symptoms that can occur be as horrible as they sometimes are (and that friends of mine have personally encountered). I have had a healthy pregnancy and so far everything is progressing as it should.

I dont want to talk about the weight gain or exhaustion, or the odd mood swings either. But I am recently experiencing something (I am currently attributing to pregnancy...but could just be going nuts) that is truly irritating. Memory loss.

About 6 weeks ago I told a colleague of mine I was pregnant, and he mentioned he worked with a woman who every morning when she would arrive to work could not remember the password to log onto her computer. It had to be reset every day. I laughed at his story and thought about how dumb that woman was. Now I am beginning to understand...
A few days ago I tried to log into one of my credit-card accounts to make a payment and couldnt get in. Its an account I dont use very often so forgetting my info is not that strange. But today I couldnt get into FOUR different accounts. I have spent the whole day on the phone with people trying to get things fixed and getting my information. At the same time, I am getting grilled on "secret questions" and "customer numbers" and various other stuff. Geez! If I cant remember my password how am I going to remember all of this other stuff? Basically, I worked myself up into a tizzy ... which only served to escalate the situation. This better be a symptom of pregnancy and not some sort of early slippage into Alzheimers :)

And just in case you are thinking I might actually be crazy, here is some info on the relationship between pregnancy and memory loss:
Study says: Pregnancy does cause memory loss
And the even better news? "In many cases, the forgetfulness can continue for a year after birth". Sweet! I have such great things to look forward to.

1 comment:

Gina said...

Not to freak you out or anything, but my memory is still wacky and Paige is almost two! I'm not sure I will ever be the same. Can't wait to see how I will be after another kid...yikes!