January 8, 2008

Freak Occurance

It seems that the period of movement may have been a freak occurance ... I have not moved since. BUT, the good (and also horrible) news is that I am back to school on Monday. Of course I dread going back - starting a new term and having to get back to work. But once school starts I again have a regular routine, access to my gym and can get back to taking some classes (including Pilates). I sense that the movement will again happen ... hopefully. Until then, thought I would surf the net and shop.

Came across an excellent response to all of the student emails I receive.
funny pictures
And another picture that can often explain why its so difficult for me to overcome my lethargy.
funny pictures

1 comment:

Amy@RunnersLounge said...

Hope your found a few minutes to get in some "movement". I have been trying to find 30 minutes a day to get a moving - but it is hard.

Love the pics on this post.