November 26, 2007

What NOT to Say to a Woman

I am on the bus and this man says to me: "Do you work out?". My reply: "Sometimes". His reply? "I can tell because you look very sturdy". STURDY????? when I get off this bus I think I might just throw myself in front of it.


Database Diva said...

Sturdy? Honey, don't jump in front of the bus, toss the guy in front of it! I went to an exercise class at the YMCA with a friend a couple of years ago. I was picked to demonstrate something and the instructor made some comment to which I replied "I'm not the big", because I'm only 5'2". His response was "you're not that small". I nearly threw him off the bus ;)

lifestudent said...

Seriously, how dumb are men? I guess they never learn :)

JScribe said...

People ALWAYS ask me if i play/played sports. Everyone knows that me and sports dont get along. I guess thats what I get for having Polish blood coursing through my veins. If it makes you feel any better Dawners my friends are constantly talking about how good you look, and i think secretly wondering if they should train for a marathon to get hot.

Anonymous said...

Wow. You should have asked how well that line normally works for him.