September 12, 2007

Happy Birthday Wrigley!

Again, I just dont know what I am doing with this new schedule. Its like I am busy all the time, but end up getting nothing done. I did get a few things checked off my list that are pretty important:
  1. Taught my class today - gave my first quiz!
  2. Picked up some Shot Blocks (the second store had them) that I will need for both my 20-miler this weekend, and ultimately for the Marathon.
  3. Got new running socks
  4. Picked up the new issue of Runners World, and was smart enough not to read it before I ...
  5. Hit the lakefront path for a few miles
  6. Made a hair appointment ;)
Unfortunately I am still working on a paper with a looming deadline, and was just emailed about some additional work I need to do on another paper. One has a deadline of Tuesday, and one Wednesday. I also need to do a good amount of work for my classes - updating the gradebook with quiz scores, making some moderations to upcoming lectures and putting together my first exam. I also have to do the exam and quiz stuff for the Professor I work for. I just cant figure out where to spend my time and how to do it. I guess I thought it would be running smoothly by now. Oops.

It's Really Real
I got my confirmation stuff in the mail for the Marathon. I am bib #44554! Ok, now I am freaking out.

On a Better Note
Wrigley turned 4 today! She is getting old :) We didnt buy her a present, but we did send her to daycare. In addition, she got to enjoy a "Frosty Paw" while we ate dinner. By the intent look on her face, I think it was a prefect ending to her day.

Training Log

Time:  48:49 time  Distance:5 miles   Pace:  9:46 min/mi
I think my schedule said to do 45 minute "fartleks" but I didnt quite do that. I ran 5 miles pretty steady, but ended up picking up speed each 1/2 mile for the last 1/5 miles. I sort of did some speed work, but not exactly what Team in Training was looking for :)


RunToTheFinish said...

It's crazy once you get everything, you realize that you're actually going to do it..not just think about it.

Anonymous said...

9:46's - that's a pretty good pace! The big day is coming up, best of luck!

Sonia said...

A fellow Ph.D. student -marathoner in training! That's awesome! thanks for stopping by my blog. I don't post as often since I caught that mono but I'm hoping to be back on track soon... I understand you about the pressure of writing papers... I'm in the middle of 2 right now and it's causing me lots of stress and insomnia! We can do it =)