August 31, 2007

Warning: Don't Read & Run

Another long day as I try to adjust to my schedule. Went to bed late, got up early. Got to campus later than I wanted, but did have time to manage a coffee! Taught my class ... and even got a laugh or two out of my students (this was intentional - and hopefully they were laughing WITH me, not AT me!). Then I got home and put together my lecture slides for chapter 2. And at the end of all this it was only 12:30. WOW!

I tooled around for a while before doing my run. Motivation was lacking. I wanted to run a different route but didnt feel like actually figuring one out. Excuses, excuses, excuses. I checked my email one last time before I finally went out for my run, and saw a message from Becca (another TNT runner) with the subject "we aren't old enough". This piqued my interest and I decided to check out what she sent me ... it was just another way to stall on my run.

See Jane Run. See Her Run Faster and Faster.
Becca sent a link to an article in the New York Times. Its actually a great article, with the general message that many women short-change themselves when it comes to running - but that this may disappear with age. Older women may be "trying harder than younger women and discovering for the first time what they are capable of". I thought it was a great message - and head out for my run right after I read it.

That Was A Bad Idea
I was obviously inspired by the article, because I could tell I was running faster than my normal pace. This was not totally on accident to me for two reasons: first, I am trying to push it a bit more as we lead up to the marathon - and second, I am hoping to hit the Taste of Polonia (a Polish-American festival) tonight for some pierogi's and beer and wanted to burn a few extra calories before doing so.

I get about half way through my run (1.83 miles to be exact) and I am pretty sure I am going to die. My shins hurt. My legs feel like lead. I am pretty sure my lungs are going to explode. At this point I continue to run, but need to interject some short walking breaks here and there in order to make sure I dont pass out or keel over. I get home and put in my times..and this is what I get:
First 1.87 miles: 9:16 pace
Total 3.10 miles: 9:50 pace
In addition, I got stopped for two of the longest lights ever during the first 1.87 that pace included waiting time as well :(
I am normally about a 10:30 pace for short runs, 11:30 for long

Moral of the Story
It is great to be inspired - but keep yourself realistic. You start to think you are the Road Runner and you just might find yourself out of steam ;)
Photo from Cartoons Show


RunToTheFinish said...

Isn't that the truth!

ws said...

thanks for stopping by. sometimes it is good to push yourself on a training run...always seems to help clear up any doubt for me. I can't believe that chicago is only 36 days away...

lifestudent said...

I know I need to push myself a bit more during the short runs - and I think that I just need to lose my fears :) In addition, as I am not used to really pushing it, I think my body is a bit shocked when I try to do so!