August 16, 2007

Trying Something New...

While at the CDC Expo, I talked to a Chiropractor that suggested I come in for an evalutation. I have had back and neck problems dating back to when I was a teenager, and I figured that its highly likely this running can make those problems worse, so I decided it was time to try it out. I was at Peak Performance for about an hour while they ran some initial tests and took some x-rays. I have to go back next week for my official report ;)

The doctors office was in an area of the city I like, but never really get to - "Old Town".

There are a bunch of reasons why I like this area, one of them including the "Fudge Pot". Its a chocolatier, and a place with pretty much anything covered in chocolate you could dream of. Since I was in the neighborhood, of course I had to stop and get some goodies :)

CDC Photos
The pictures from the CDC are posted - they are ok. Here is one I "stole" from the provider ;)

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