July 12, 2007

My Lunch Dates

While Wrigley was at the "spa" I met two friends, and their adorable kids, for lunch. Lunch was ok, but its always a riot to see Daniel and/or Paige, and the two of them together "talking" to each other, sharing food, and clapping at random events, makes for some interesting entertainment.

Daniel, of cource, was the BOSS today.

And Paige was nice enough to let Daniel kiss her goodbye.

No workout today!
The past couple of weeks I have been doing my Friday run on Thursdays, and saving Friday for a rest day. But last nights mid-week team workout was really tiring, and I am a bit sore today. So that makes today a rest day, and means I need to get in a run tomorrow. I also need to start doing some of the stretches and exercises the trainer gave me yesterday, so I think doing that (if/when I get around to them today!) is enough exercise for the day ;)

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