March 30, 2011

I'm On A Roll, Baby!

Got in another three miles today! While Ryan napped and the sitter and Brooke had a playdate at the pretend beach in our playroom, I knocked out three miles AND a shower. I continued with the same mentality: if I'm not going to get in all the training or all the mile, I'm gonna have to push myself a bit on the runs I do actually do.

Mile 1: 11:19
Mile 2: 11:06
Mile 2-2.5: 10:54
Mile 2.5-3: 10:42

Now, despite celebrating another three-miler, the fact that I have an 8K in about 10 days still doesnt seem any less threatening :(


Carly said...

Great job! Sounds like a great day too....a run and a shower...two items never to be taken for granted with babes.

You will do just fine on your 8K. You have nothing to worry about.

Jess said...
