May 28, 2008

Awaiting My Cupcakes

We went to my in-laws house on Memorial Day, and my father-in-law showed me an article Money Magazine about the Bangerang BakeShop. He figured the article would interest me for two reasons: 1) the company owner left a marketing job to start her own business (I am a "marketeer") and 2) the business she started was a cupcake business. Say the word "cupcake" and I'm obvioulsy interested.

The article is actually really interesting, and I did some searching on the company and the cupcakes today. And of course, when I came upon the Bangerang Website I ordered some cupcakes. These things were pricey!!! Not only individually are they expensive, but the shipping is really high. The baker sends everything priority 2-3 days shipping...which makes sense since these are perishable items. I bought an 8 pack because these cupcakes come in half pint 8oz jars and last 7 days (they can also be frozen). I don't have a clue how big a standard cupcake I buy at the bakery is...but I highly doubt its a half-pint :)

How awesome do these look?

1 comment:

robison52 said...

The cupcakes look like "four miles=400 calories!?!