April 8, 2008

"Everyday" Coffee? That's The Big Secret?

Almost proving myself to be the ultimate fool, I secretly was worried I missed out on something great by not being able to get to Starbucks for the big secret unveiling. Turns out the big secret is a new coffee. Whoop-de-do.

Personally, I am not a fan of the Starbucks coffee. If I want a plain old cup of joe, I prefer something like Folgers. So perhaps this new coffee might be up my alley. The company claims the new roast "will have a bold, robust flavor profile that customers have come to expect of Starbucks coffee, but with a smoother, buttery finish". Coffee that tastes like butter? Thats right up my alley...

1 comment:

Kevin said...

Funny post. I got a "coupon" wrapped in my morning paper that said free coffee wednesdays at starbucks until may 28. i went in today and they gave me a mini-cup of the stuff. not bad. guess the marketing crew at starbucks is under pressure to do something since the company is getting slammed by dunkin donuts and mcdonalds coffee. and now, your folgers.