January 11, 2008

Upset About All the New Smoking Regulations?

Seems like 2008 is the year where smokers officially have to go into hiding - many cities, states and even entire countries are clamping down on smoking in public places. According to a Chicago Tribune article, on Jan 1 Illinois became the 22nd state to make smoking in bars, restaurants and sports stadiums illegal. While many are restricting smoking, there are often loopholes. For example, tobacco shops/smoking lounges are still serving the smoking public.

Smokers may feel like targets, and many complain of unfairness. Are you a smoker that is tired of being harassed? Then I suggest you move to Germany, where non-smokers can get fired for disturbing a plesant smoking environment.

1 comment:

Linden said...

How funny! My husband I are living in Germany now, and I was thinking about the new laws passed here (referred to in the article) as I read your post. The last line surprised me! I hadn't heard about that incident, but it cracks me up. :) Thanks for sharing!