For about a week I have been feeling odd. Its hard to explain, but I will try. First, I kept having chest-pains. They are minor, but they were noticable. I thought I was having a bit too much caffeine. Although I love my coffee ... when I have too much of it (or have it too late in the day) I get chest palpitations and cant sleep. So I chalked the chest pains up to my caffeine consumption. Then I have had nausea. It comes and goes, and is commonly after breakfast and before lunch ... generally before a workout. I attributed this to my training. Nausea is pretty common in runners, and often related to diet or dehydration and a bunch of other things. On Friday I got a nosebleed. It was the first time in about 20 years that I got a nosebleed. On Saturday (the 20 miler!) I mentioned it to one of the Vegas Crew and was reminded that due to the weather change it was really dry out and a nosebleed was not that strange. It was an excellent clarification and so I was satisfied.
Tonight (just a few minutes ago) I was sitting watching Cold Case and had really strong nausea and chest pain. Again, I had two lattes today (whoops) and really havent been hydrating at all (and just did 20 miles). I thought maybe I needed to eat so I grabbed a bag of popcorn sitting next to my laptop ... and for some reason I thought to myself "I wonder if the new medicine I am taking has any side effects?".
About two weeks ago I started Nasonex for my allergies. There are a list of common side effects (one of which includes nosebleeds) and also a list of less common side effects ... which include nausea and chest pain.
I am quite glad I didnt go all panic-attack on myself and go to the hospital or something thinking I was having a heart attack :) But now I am a bit worried about this medicine. These side effects I am experiencing are rare - and I am wondering if they are dangerous when it comes to the Marathon. Looks like I need to make a call to the doctor tomorrow.
Training Log
Time:  3:36:16 time  Distance:20 miles   Pace:  10:49 min/mi
There are some complications with the pace of this run. We took some "breaks" ... including one that was more like a picnic. I stopped my watch during these breaks (which added up to about 45 minutes!) because they were unrealistic and done simply because we felt like it. So my running time pace is only accurate in some sense. The 20 was hard, but today I feel ok. My watch tried to fall apart on me (a clear indication that I should have been done training by now!) but I superglued it and begged it to simply hold up 3 more weeks. I believe we have an understanding.
Medicines are so tricky - most times I wonder if the side effects are worth the benefits - but it usually is. And way to go on your 20 miler - you just threw that in so casually...
Definitely call your doctor. Chest pains are a scary side effect. Same with the bloody nose.
I did the panic attack thing two years ago and spent the night of my birthday in an Urgent Care on a 12 lead echo and having blood enzymes drawn. The next day was a "get to know you" with a friendly neighborhood cardiologist. A stress echo showed my heart was fine, and that I was woefully out of shape. Never figured it out though, but after all that it sort of went away.
Still, better safe then sorry. Talk to your doc, there are other meds you can try if the Nasonex is bothering you.
BTW - I don't watch it, but everytime I see an ad for Cold Case my mind automatically adds "of Beer" after it. I need to grow up.
absolutely call a doc on that! I think when you are pushing your body that hard, medicines really get through your system more than they do in sedentary people. I've noticed a lot of runners feel the effects of drugs more...I'd try to find something else.
Oh and check out my blog, you've been tagged!
Call the doctor. It sounds like you are one of the minority that this particular medication may cause more harm than good.
way to go on the 20!
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