October 17, 2007

A Little Bit of Politics

I try to refrain from bringing the political discussion into my everyday life - this blog included. I am assuming that I might talk about it more when we get into the heat of it, but I always try to maintain a neutral position. Politics and religion ... you know, the stuff you just dont want to touch :)

But, my husband just sent me this pretty cool link. If you are interested in finding out which of the current Presidential candidates align with your beliefs, take this quick quiz. It can often be difficult to figure out what these guys (and gal!) stand for and how they match up with what you are thinking ... and I think this is a pretty awesome tool to do just that. Most importantly, I was totally suprised with who lined up with me and realized I need to look at these candidates a bit more in the months to come!

Image courtesy of Political Cheat Sheet


JScribe said...

Politics seep into everything dont they! Maybe you've just been reading thatmakesmenervous.blogspot.com too much!

Jess said...

Interesting quiz. I knew my political offiliation would be discernable but I didn't know which candidate most closely fit that.

robison52 said...

A quick answer to your question in my blog:

Howdy Lifestudent!

Last year my wife attempted to watch me on top of the Tropicana
pedestrian skywalk as the racers pass underneath, she couldn't see me as I
was mixed with 16,000 other runners at the start! I wouldn't recommend watching anywhere near the starting line.

Friends were able to watch me at Torrey Pines & Alta, approximately
at the 16 mile mark as the racers were pretty spread out from there. Anywhere after Mile 14 is a good place to watch. Also, the Finish Line at the Mandalay Bay has bleachers where you can sit in comfort as you watch the racers struggle, crawl, and paw their way across the line.

Taking a cab is the best method to get around, especially on the westside of the marathon course.

October 17, 2007 1:50 AM