August 7, 2007


I am running late for a 10 am meeting. I am habitually late. Recently I saw a talk show where a girl was always late because she "didnt wake up looking like this" and the host said lateness implies that "you just dont care". Not sure I agree :(

Posted this earlier, and thought about it a bit since. Why dont I agree? Two reasons:

1) Not just not into ... Greg Behrendt
The talk show host, Greg Behrendt, got his fame from writing the book "He's Just Not That Into You". While I have not read the book (I think my husband would be concerned if I started reading dating self-help books) I have seen his talk show a few times. I occasionally tune into Regis & Kelly, and he follows. I can say I am not a fan of his show, and dont really dig his personality. Thus, I am not sure I take anything he says very seriously.

2) I do care!
I think many women have the same problem I do, its not really lateness, its inability to gauge time. I think it will take me 20 minutes to get somewhere, it takes 40. I think something happened last year, turns out it happened last week. Somewhere in my brain, time often escapes me. Its not like I am hours late for something - its usually only minutes. But it definitly is habitual - and something my husband would put at the top of his pet peeve list :)

I have tried all of the tricks - fooling myself by changing clock times or allowing myself massive extra time to get ready/prepare/etc. It still doesnt work. If I get up an extra hour early, I fill that hour with the miscelaneous tasks I need to get done (if at home: laundry, dishes, etc..if out: errand running, grabbing a coffee, etc) and still end up being 5-15 minutes late for whatever engagement I have. Even if its not a scheduled meeting - just a promise to myself. For example, I promise I will start working on this project tomorrow at 9 am. I guarantee I will start at 9:15. Is this some sort of syndrome? Is there a cure?

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