August 21, 2007

Back Cracking...To Do or Not To Do?

Today I had my second visit with a Chiropractor (after visiting my construction-ridden campus). The first visit was for some testing and the second was for my consultation. I was told "good news, we can help you" ... but not really told how. I need to come back again for the full treatment plan (and financing details). I am thinking the way they work this seems a bit sketchy, and am not too sure about the whole Chiropractor thing anyway.

I have had lower back and neck pain on-and-off my whole life. I often dont sleep well due to back pain, suffer from many stiff necks, and ocasionally experience random shooting pains in my neck and/or back. I am generally getting pretty tired of it, but after vising general practitioners over the years and not getting any sort of help or treatment out of it - I kindof just assumed this is how it would be. Then at the CDC expo there was a Chiropractor at the booth next to the Team in Training booth ... and next thing you know I am here. Debating.

Today they did an initial "realignment". Supposedly there are three trouble spots in my neck and five (six?) in my lower back. So right now I am sore - just in my lower back. But the soreness is much like what I experience on an average night laying in bed - annoying, but nothing I cant handle. I have my next appointment scheduled next week, where they are going to try to get me to commit to some sort of treatment plan...and I am just not to sure what to do.

Training Log
Its a crosstrain day! Love those! 45 minutes on the elliptical (while updating myself on the latest celebrity gossip) and I was out of there. I also did some of the stretched recommended by a PT earlier for my ITBand...but that was it for the day. If my back wasnt hurting from the Chiropractor today, I would be feeling pretty good right now ;)

1 comment:

Amy@RunnersLounge said...

I am a huge advocate for chiropractors (and I am not one myself!) I have gone for about 18 years and now rely on him to put me back together when I fall apart. For your first adjustments, it may take a day or two to feel the difference, but you will. This week he saved my life. My hip was sooo locked up I couldn't run or sit. Today, I think I am going to live.