June 19, 2007

Exams Round One - Bottomless Pit Round Two

I finished my first day of Exams, and they were quite easy. I expected this to be my easy day and my expectations were met. For two of the exams, I was given the questions in advance so I could prepare quite easily. For the third it was open book / open notes - so there werent any major suprises.

I continued my eating binge today, unfortunately the cookies and carmel corn are still in the house. Obviously, this will not be true for long as I slowly deplete the supply! I am hoping that I will wake up one day and not be so ravenous, but I dont see that happening any time soon. I know its mind-over-matter, but I am not ready to give up the eating quite yet!

The workout today was to cross-train, but I just couldnt fit it in. With exams and another evening appointment, the day was over before I knew it. I am actually going to miss Pilates on Thursday (its our wedding anniversary) so will move my cross-train to that day instead. See, nothing lost! My biggest concern is (of course) with Wed night training. Not only does it always whoop my butt, but I am actually concerned this week about loosing sleep Wed night with the rest of my exams on Thursday. Somehow I need to find a way to wind-down after the workout and get a decent nights sleep, so I can wake up on Thursday, put in my cross-training and get to my exams ready to go!

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