January 12, 2011

Pilates, Pancakes ... And Running?

I'm a sucker for anything that involves food, so when I saw this ... I was interested.
A local running store has a monthly outing where they lead a pilates workout at 8AM and a fun run (5 miles or 5K) at 9AM, followed by pancakes. I'm all for the pilates and the pancakes, but slightly worried about the run. I have been stalling on my re-introduction to running until when I really need to - sometime in February where I begin my 8 week training program for the Shamrock Shuffle. I also was planning on doing something more like a 2 miler, not a 5K, as my first run.

BUT - sometimes you just have to get out there and get back on the horse, right?

So Pilates and Pancakes it is ;)

Ab Workout
For some reason Ryan has been sleeping all day. I probably should wake him up because he is way overdue to eat. But I figured I could take advantage of the opportunity and squeeze in a workout. He is still sleeping and I got all the ab workout in. Now I sit here looking at him and wonder if I should wake him, but I am catching up on the new season of Greek. Everyone in the house has been sick for a while and the poor guy is probably just getting some well needed rest. Or, am I saying that just because I am the one who needs the rest? Hmmm....

Torso Extensions or “Press Ups” 10 reps
Superman – upper & lower body 20 reps
Front Plank – from toes 15 second, 3X
Bird Dogs – limbs off centered 15 reps, holding 10 sec ach
Segmental Hip Bridges 10 reps, 2X
Pelvic Floor Gliding Contractions 120 seconds
Torso Rolls 60 seconds
TransVersus Abdominus I (TVA) 10X each leg, 3X
Crunches 15reps, 3X
Pushup 10reps, 2X
Cats & Dogs 10reps

1 comment:

Andrew Opala said...

My abs feel better just reading that exercise plan!