August 26, 2011

Its Been A While

I havent run in a while, I'd say a little over a week. Since my running goes up and down in waves, a week in between runs can be both a short AND long time ;) Since I have been better about running and working harder to incorporate some sort of exercise into my chaotic life, lately a week is a bit of a long time. I'm trying, and I want to do better. Hopefully that is enough!

Life has thrown a little extra on me lately and I haven't been sleeping well. I keep thinking about one of Brooke's books, "If you give a mouse a cookie". If you arent familiar with the book, its the kids version of the movie "Groundhog Day". Essentially, here is my current version of the book.

I'm a little bit stressed.
I cant fall asleep and end up staying up pretty late.
I wake up early because I have two early birds peeping in my ears.
I'm tired all day due to a lack of sleep.
I'm too tired to run.
I have work to do and try to do it during naps.
My work (reading articles) is boring and makes me sleepy.
Since I'm tired, I decide to skip running OR working and take a nap.
Since I take a late nap, I have a hard time falling asleep.
(See first line and start over)

Last night I didnt get any sleep (see above) and didnt want to run. But, I also knew that if I continued what I have been doing I would end up not getting anything done and taking a nap ... which seems to impact my night sleep on top of everything else. I fought the desire to sleep today and hopped on the treadmill. I'm hoping I finally broke my mouse-cookie cycle ;)

Time: 32:05
Distance: 3 Miles
Pace: 10:41

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